
How much to invest in advertising projects?

We in advertising agencies commonly refer to any investment in advertising projects as an opportunity to deliver value and a tangible result that will bring economic benefits and improve the brand identity of our clients. Although uncomfortable questions always arise: In which area do we give more focus to our investment? Which investment generates the

How much to invest in advertising projects? Read More »

nueva normalidad

New normal for “new customers”?

Estamos claros que tarde o temprano todos los sectores económicos de México estaremos reanudando actividades dentro de los esquemas de la llamada “Nueva Normalidad”, que, por decreto, los gobiernos están implementando acorde a sus estrategias. Muchas empresas de servicios, comercios, escuelas y restaurantes, entre otros, se están preparando para el regreso con medidas para privilegiar

New normal for “new customers”? Read More »


The challenges of the adviser in times of turbulence

Although today the new generations call them coaches, I believe that there is a significant difference in what an advisor represents today. An adviser, also called a consultant 20 years ago, is a specialist in his discipline, he is an experienced environment surrounding the organization, an expert in successful solutions, which allows a high level

The challenges of the adviser in times of turbulence Read More »


Resilience: overcome adversities and come out stronger

After the attacks of 9/11 in 2001, and in an outburst to immediately level its economy, the US took radical measures such as deregulating markets, reducing taxes and interest rates and expanding credit, coupled with the millionaire expenses that wars generated from Afghanistan and Iraq; generating an economic crisis that began in 2002 and that

Resilience: overcome adversities and come out stronger Read More »

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